I am inconsolable now.. I am about to start work in a few days. Since the work was kind of out of blue, we are still unsettled at the moment. My baby is 16 months old and is in the process of weaning. We are foreigners and no one from our native is able to come to our place to help taking care of the baby. We are not comfortable with day care. So till we find a maid, we have decided to leave my baby at my parents's place back in My country. it's so difficult and I am unable to comprehend how my baby and myself are going to cope without each other. Anyone who has been in a situation similar to mine and how did you and your baby take it? Thanks! PS: I will be leaving my baby with my parents for around 2 to 3 months

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hi dear, can i ask you something? you mentioned that you are leaving the baby for 2 or 3 months. so, i wanted to know, have you tried to speak to your employers and share about your home situation? to ask if they can allow you to start work after those 2 3 months? I am not sure what is going to change after these many months, so that you will be able to bring baby back to you (which is great!!!) :) if possible, look for a good day care near your work area. i understand your fears, but there are some really good ones that allow you to keep a live track of your baby through an app on your phone. maybe you can consider it since it is only a few months? if not, i would say please be strong and understand that what you are doing is for the betterment of your family, and this is just a phase where you are letting your baby bond with the grandparents. don't think so much, as it will only make you sad. all the best

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Are you staying far from your home country? If your parents is able to use skype, make an effort to skype with your child everyday. It may be difficult to know that your child is crying over there and you are not able to do anything about it. Think in a positive way, you are working hard and earning so you can bring more money back for your children. Hang in there!

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Hi dear, sorry that you are in such a predicament. The only thing I can do is give you a hug. Many times as parents we are out through different test. We need to brave through the storm for our baby especially while baby is still young. Think less and discipline your mind with positive thoughts.

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