Baby blood type
Will we be able to know the baby blood type before she/he is born?

It depends. If you know the blood type of both parents + grandparents are, occasionally you can determine (focusing on A/B/AB/O type here). (Exception: occasional genetic mutations which are rare) If both parents are O, baby will 100% be O If one parent is O and the other parent is: -AB: 50% chance of A, 50% chance of B -A: need to determine if the parent inherited A/A or A/O from his/her own parents. If A/A, baby will 100% be A. If A/O, 50% chance of A, 50% chance of B -B: similar concept with A. If parent is B/B, baby will be 100% B. If B/O, 50% chance B, 50% chance O If both parents are A, it depends on what they inherited from their parents. Showing the inherited types of each parent: - A/A and A/A: baby will 100% be A - A/A and A/O: baby will 100% be A - A/O and A/O: 75% chance A, 25% chance O The same principle applies for when both parents have blood group B. If both parents are AB, 50% chance baby will be AB, 25% chance A, 25% chance B
Read moreNo. After birth they will tell u. My nurses told me that my baby was a O+ as me and my husband is O+ too
Doctor can guess based on the blood type of parents but not confirmed
i think dna test will be more accurate then blood type
I don’t think so. Does it really matter ?
I guess nope .. bt y u need to know now ?
I thk panaroma test can
I think no
After birth