Baby cry when bathing
My 2 weeks old LO cries very loud each time we bath her, especially when the water touches her body. She will only stop crying when we put her diaper & clothes on. Is that normal?

Yes.. Perhaps lo is scared of water or he feel cold also. Keep talking to lo.. Before putting on bathtub , let lo know hes going to have a quick bath, tap lo’s chest area with water , small towel can placed on front area when lo’s is in the bath tub, so lo will feel secured.. Quickly have a quick bath then towel lo up.
Read moreYup, they gradually get used to it though. I used to sing and talk to bb to calm him down or distract him as I bathe him. And sometimes hold his hand or press his chest for a while so that he doesn’t feel scared
Yeah normal. My LO used to be like this too. Then we tried different methods of showering - eg, washing his buttocks / back first, talking to him as we showered. It’ll get better over time :)))
Slowly :) u can start with tapping water on her chest to prep her. And can sing song to soothe her.. :) check the temperature of water too! Very important :) :)
I think it is normal. My firstborn was like that while my 7-month old is the exact opposite. 😅
Yes:) My LO was like that till about 3 months. Now she kicks and splashes the water so happily:)
I heard and tried to make the bath water warmer and the crying reduced.
Yes normally. They need time to get use to it
Yes normal