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Jawapan: Perbezaan antara gambar 1 & 2 Gambar 1: Baris pertama - 10 botol Snapkis Baby Face & body lotion. Gambar 2: Baris pertama, -9 botol Snapkis Baby Face & Body Lotion - 1 botol Snapkis Head To Toe Wash

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Jawapan Perbezaan: Gambar 1 - Baris pertama ada 10 botol Snapkis baby face and body lotion Gambar 2 - Baris pertama ada 9 botol Snapkis baby face and body lotion & 1 botol Snapkis baby head to toe wash.

jawapan : Gambar 1 tiada snapkis head to toe wash Gambar 2 ada snapkis head to toe wash Done follow theAsianParent Malaysia & Mothercare Malaysia di Instagram. Done follow facebook Mothercare Malaysia

Perbezaan dalam gambar 1, terdapat 10 botol Snapkis Baby Face & Body Lotion. Gambar 2 terdapat 9 botol Snapkis Face & Body Lotion dan 1 botol Snapkis Baby Head to Toe Wash. Done follow semua steps.

VIP Member

Gambar 1: 10 botol snapkis baby face & body lotion Gambar 2: 9 botol snapkis face & body lotion, 1 botol snapkis baby head to toe wash Done follow all step.. Moga ade rzeki buat babyku🤲❤️

Jawapan: Gambar 1- 10 botol Snapkis Baby Face & Lotion Gambar 2- 9 botol Snapkis Baby Face & Lotion DAN 1 botol Snapkis Head-to-Toe Wash Semoga ada peluang dan rezeki utk baby saya 🥰🥰

Perbezaan antara gambar 1 dan 2 ialah pada baris pertama di gambar ke dua ada 1 botol Snapkis baby head to toe wash..semoga ada rezeki baby saya.. Thank you TAP dan Mothercare Malaysia ❤️

Gambar 1 (Baris Pertama) -10 botol snapkis baby face and body lotion Gambar 2 (Baris Pertama) -9 botol snapkis baby face and body lotion -1 botol snapkis head to toe wash Done follow semua.

perbezaannya adalah gambar pertama mempunyai 10 botol Snapkies Face & Body Lotion. Manakala gambar kedua mempunyai 9 botol Snapkies Face & Body Lotion dan 1 botol Snapkies Head to Toe Wash.

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