I have been out of jobs since I withdrew my #1 from infantcare and only recently went back to work after a tedious time finding an available slot in childcare for my son. However, my job is only a temporary assignment of 3 mths as I am pregnant. I am facing some financial difficulties thus have also switched from private gynae to subsidised one and cut down on many expenses and am aggressively looking for part time or freelance jobs but chances of being hired seem very low. I have a major concern which is the childcare fee. Soon I will not qualify for working mother subsidies. Are there any avenues through which I can apply subsidies or gov help for my son's childcare fees while I give birth and take 1-2 months to recuperate?
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How do you usually decide on your child's name if both are different genders. my #1 is girl and I'm expecting a boy this time. #1 name is Clarabelle. Would you choose a name that begins with the alphabet 'C' for your #2 or? Any nice names to suggest for baby boys?
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i have an 11 mth old and will be due to deliver #2 next mth. i have yet to prepare anything for #2. can mummies with babies 1 year apart share how u prepare for the second one? do i need to get another rocker, cot, more milk bottle storage, etc? wld it be necessary to get a tandem stroller or do u babywear the older one while the newborn gets to sit in the current stroller that u have for #1?
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i am a sahm and i'm now suffering from burnout. Currently, caring for a 3yo toddler and 3mo baby. at times, the demand is too overwhelming especially when both are breastfed and both wakes up for night feed freqently. #1 tends to use his teeth when he feeds which irritates me. while #2 fuss over fast flow and often make a mess. #1 has been d/l and will only want d/l... he refuse to wean. i hate breastfeeding (to certain extend). sorry for such a negative post.
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I'm a SAHM..Ever since my #2 arrival, me and my husb always quarrel and quarrel infront of my #1 who is 33mth and also #2 even tho #2 still don't understand... i always told my husb not to quarrel infront if the kids but he always don't want to listen... sometime he even can me names infront of the kids.. i feel because of my husb quarrel infront of my kids, #1 seem to lost respect to me and become bad tempered etc etc.. what should i do? Sometime i feel i want to give up living, give up in this marriage.. what should i do so my kids won't lost their respect to me and won't follow their father footstep?
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