Choosing a boys name

How do you usually decide on your child's name if both are different genders. my #1 is girl and I'm expecting a boy this time. #1 name is Clarabelle. Would you choose a name that begins with the alphabet 'C' for your #2 or? Any nice names to suggest for baby boys?

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I had a famous artist/painter name in mind when I was pregnant. However, my baby was quite a kicker, he(as I later found out the gender from the ultrasound scans) literally loves to kick a lot in my belly when I was pregnant with him. Anyway what I did was to read out (aloud) several baby names I liked from my mum's old book of baby names and one of the names wasn't met with any resistance (this was the one name he didn't kick at from within my belly, unlike all the others). I even felt a sense of inner peace when I mentioned that name aloud. That was how I knew that would be my baby's name 😂.

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