Do yall give pacifier to your close to 1 month newborn? Is it better to give or not to give?

I never gave both my kids pacifiers. Had to learn other ways to comfort them and put them to sleep, but it worked out well, and I have no regrets. When my elder daughter became a toddler and had tantrums, I had already learnt some skills in helping her through the overwhelming emotions and comforting her, yet not always giving in to her demands. In a sense, not using the pacifier made me a better mum. But it’s also perfectly fine to use it if you’d like.
Read moreMe and my husband initially is strongly against the idea of giving. However, he started to be cranky and fussy after feeding after diaper change. Even when carry him he also cannot settle down. We in the end gave him pacifier to calm him down. At first he reject it, but we continue giving him. After he take it, it calm him down and fall asleep. After he sleep the pacifier drop off we take it off. We started giving him at week5.
Read moreDepends on ur preference and baby's. I did give mine when he was abt 1month or so cus he was super cranky and fussy. We tried everything to soothe him but doesnt work. Gave him pacifier and he was calm. Some babies love to suck on something for comfort, and since i dont breastfeed him and he cant nurse for comfort, pacifier was a lifesaver for us.
Read morenewborn. 1st night home infact. but she hated it so i tried round pacifier, soothie pacifier which she accepted so i stuck with that. she didn’t love it but would take it for awhile if hungry or after she falls asleep while drinking
yes I did. just to soothe him to sleep. eventually he will suck it but will throw it once he is asleep. haha! good boy. he just need something in his mouth. 😅
when LO was newborn we tried to give her once but she rejected it, then we didn’t give her from then onwards. LO turning 3 soon.
Husband and I chose not to give pacifier. We’re worried it might be difficult to wean off from it when baby gets older.
Some children like it...some dont...they will find something or other to soothe themselves...could be blanky...teddy
We started about 2 months in - she ended up using it for about 12 months after and stopped at 14 months
Nope. Personal preference. I just don't want my baby to be dependent on it