With all the homework and tuition classes they have to run off to, how do parents ensure they have some time to their school-going kids when they get back home from the office, tired as well? What kind of activities can we indulge in that doesn't require any brain work or physical torture?

it depends on your energy levels and age of the child. sometimes, a simple thing as a tub bath can be super relaxing and fun way to indulge in water play. also, lying down in bed and speaking softly while the lights are out can also be a great way to bond at bedtime and go off to sleep together.
How about board games? It doesnt involve technology and is a fun bonding time for the family. You can also use the opportunity to teach your children about winning and losing (being a gracious winner and not being a sore loser).
if your kids are old enough, you could all prepare the dinner together. this can be a great stress buster and also help everyone bond well, while easing out the work load. it will also encouarage the kids to eat better.
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For me, I love to bring kids out to the nature to walk/cycle/physical sports e.g. badminton. After whole day of schooling and working, I feel we need to re-charge by some sweating.
Hmmph really depends on each household preference. For me. Its playimg toys/reading books with my boy, daddy likes showering/playing him In the bath tub.
I think I would enjoy playing Snap! The game gets so exciting until I sometimes forget my worries and tiredness. Also a fun game for the kids!

Charades are physical torture for me though. Sure to perspire and laugh till my abs hurt! Hahaha. Charades are fun!
Charades which can be downloaded into your mobile phone. A fun game for all!

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