My wife is expecting our first child and she is currently around 4 weeks into the pregancy.. she went for a scan but we could not see any baby but there the presence of the GS and YS... the doctor told us to come back for scan in 2 weeks as most likely its still growning and too small to be seen... has any mummies have similar experience? My wife is a bit worried though i always try to keep her positive...
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congrats! wait till 6weeks and usually they will do vaginal scan by then to check! just take folic acid okay 🤗
Super Mum
this is mine at 6 weeks though!
hope u can get to see the little peanut in 2 weeks time!
4 wks is v v small, sometimes can't see de. Usually abt 6 or more wks then can see
VIP Member
hi .. No worries. 4 weeks is still early. my 6 weeks then scan can see .
4 weeks can rarely see. Too small
Wait till baby is a bit bigger.