20 weeks: breech & low placenta
Im in 20 weeks right now and just went for appointment yesterday. Supposedly to know our baby's gender, but baby didnt show and was sleeping. Did a detailed scan and doctor told us that baby's bowel has a bright colour. I had bleeding about a week+ ago and doctor said it could be baby swallowed my blood. Also, baby is in a breech position and my placenta is low. Anybody experience this and/or has any advice? Doctor called earlier and wants us to come back to do a check and scan on both me and baby.

I did not really have breech and low placenta issues but my baby has the bright bowel aka echogenic bowel issue that you mentioned. For breech position, not too worry, baby can turn down anytime for the low placenta also not an issue yet since you still have some time. Placenta may move up on its own. For the echogenic bowel, it is a soft marker for Down syndrome. During first trimester I did the oscar test and it was low risk but during 20th week detailed scan doc says baby has prominent and bright bowel issues. However, I was told by KKH that only follow up can be done at 28 weeks to see if the problem persist. Then I went to seek 2nd opinion with TMC, did another detailed scan and doc says bright bowel is a soft marker for DS but since it is an isolated issue for my baby, oscar test says low risk and baby is growing well, he said 99% will born healthy. I believed that did not go for other tests since I was determined to keep the baby. Now at 38 weeks, baby turned down, placenta went up and bright bowel issue has vanished. So yes, it could be my baby swallowed some of my blood too. Maybe one question you can ask your gynae is what’s the score of the bright bowel. If not wrong got score 1, score 2 to understand how bright the bowel is. Some gynaes said that score 1 bowel is pretty normal in pregnancies. So don’t worry too much!!
Read morehi all. thank you for all the response! its been a week now and today i still have bleeding. the past few days was very mild and pale blood. but today, its a dark coloured bleed and from a scale of 1 - 5 for the much of it, its at 3. the blood and amount seems like example when we had our menses and its the last 1-2 days once our period ends. im seeing my gynae on 1st should i go see a GP or i can wait till 1st oct?
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hi mommy. I used to have low placenta too. but eventually my placenta rise during the later stage of pregnancy. try to rest more and avoid strenuous activities and take things slow and chill. take care
normal for baby to be in breech position this early. my bb was also breech at 28 weeks. they’ll move at 30+ weeks. also have low placenta as well but it will be higher once your uterus expands.
I have no experience with other 2 but breech baby is normal now that you're still early at 20 weeks. Baby will normally be head down on the 3rd trimester so don't worry about this.