Baby eating hand
Hi all, why does my 3 months old baby girl keep eating her hand? Is it common?

Eating? i guess you mean 'sucking'. It's normal. She's just curious and its part of her learning process. Give her teether toys. Those that she can hold and chew. Do remove her hand and distract her if she does it too much.
She's discovering that she has hands and exploring the taste and texture! It's normal and good for their development don't worry :). You can also give some teether with interesting textures for her to explore.
It’s very normal.. first they discovered that they have hands, 2nd they are teething
Is common for a 3 months old baby to suck their hand. My son does that too
it's normal. you can give some teether put on bibs. might be teething
its normal, when they grow up, will slowly not eating it anymore
It’s common and normal..My baby also suck her fingers..
Yes its norm
very normal