which trimester was your appetite the best?
At which trimester was your appetite the best ? Seems like 3rd trimester, wont eat so much as baby occupy much of the space. But it doesnt seem like it for me, as i ate most during 3rd trimester. And i can eat quite alot.
Definitely the 2nd trimester. Nausea in the 1st trimester and discomfort in the 3rd trimester.
For me i at 2nd trimester but my appetite still not there. Will see how during 3rd tri
2nd and 3rd trimester. After the nausea stopped around wk 16, appetite got much better..
2nd? I think..haha at 3rd even after small meal...it seems like I had buffet!
Quite the same for my second pregnancy. First pregnancy I tink was 2nd tri
my appeatite is okay. i am still having nausea, heartburn and indigestion
2nd Tri. Agree that baby is taking too much space right now in 3rd tri.
2nd & 3rd trimester fuhhh 😂😂 but now im controlling my portion .
Iv been enjoying food throughout! But second trimester definitely best
2nd trimester, now I'm at my 3rd still going good! I eat everything