Personally for me whenever that happens, its because baby is sleepy. I used to think that it was due to the poor latching. Recently i realised that it is because he wants to sleep and was trying to use me as a pacifier. Im not sure if its the same case for you. You may want to try to observe and see if its the same for you. Hope it helps.
This happens to me during the 1st few weeks of life for my LO only. After dat, he will look for it rather and am usually the one who is too slow for him. Give them some time to get used to the smell and they will eventually find it themselves.
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Mine is 21 days old and is also in the same situation as your LO. Think that will get used to it and find the nipples as time goes by, for now just guide them if need be.
Don't think so this is due to poor latching. How old is lo? If this is the beginning stage, kind of normal. Happens to me too.