My gal is 8 weeks old and she on both BM and FM. My qns: 1. She falls asleep halfway while breastfeeding. Should I pump it out or wait for her to wake up for more feeds? 2. She doesn't like to be swaddled up and always 'fights' to have her hands out. Is it necessary to swaddle her? 3. I've just introduced pacifier to her tdy. When I tried to breastfeed her, she seems a little confused and took a while to suckle / drink. Is this considered as nipple confusion and if so, what can I do? TIA

Hi, Some babies are lazy to breastfeed and one thing that you can do is while he is sucking, you keep pressing your breast a little to help him have the milk little easily. I mean, if the baby is fine, the most common reason for the baby being not sucking is laziness and also the fact that he may not be that hungry. I think it is fine if the baby doesn't like to be swaddled. It is not necessary for the baby to be swaddles, rather mid wives are of the view that babies should be left open as much as possible so that they move their arms and legs, as it helps in their growth and movement also is kind of exercise for them. You know, babies are very smart. Soon after birth in a few minutes time, they learn how to suck milk from the breast. So, do not get worried, if she is confused, she won''t be that for long. If she takes a while to latch on, you can press your breast to take out sommelier so that she knows that she is latching to your breast. But any which way I do not think it is something to worry about a she will know it soonest.
Read more1) observe wat is the trend for her these 1-2 times. If she is able to wake up after a short while (within an hr) then i guess u can wait for her to latch again. Otherwise u should pump it out as not enough milk removal from the boobs will trigger a drop in the supply 2) there are many theories for swaddle. It works for some baby by keeping them tight and secure feel but do what works for ur baby. Recently its also being discussed swaddle is not good for the hip/leg development. U can consider those cocoon style swaddle or just ditch the whole thing 3) it is a little nipple confusion as she s not ire which will give her milk but it is normal and will only happen a couple of times because babies are very smart, after a few suckles, they can v v well distinguish between the 2. No need to worry, my baby was on bottle, nipple, nipple shield, pacifier - still will latch. Soon in the future, they will know what is pacifier and will toy with it or outright reject it when u wish they didn't.
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