First outing
When do you start bringing your LO out and where? Just one month now thinking is it safe to do so..

Before the first few vaccinations better avoid crowded areas. During the first month I only brought baby out occasionally under the block for short walks. After 2-3 months more relaxed and brought baby with us everywhere lol
If nearby like parks to have a short stroll is fine. But not to crowded places like shopping malls as baby immunity is still developing, so better to wait until 6 months above.
First outing was a near by mall for dinner (less than 2 hours) to celebrate my end of confinement. I didn’t go far cause i was breast feeding and needed to pump.
Yes its safe to do so :) it could be anywhere, jusy keep baby at the right temperature when you are out. And sanitizer for people who wants to touch baby.
It will be better if its after their 3rd jab . Now can go out but awhile only n less crowded places . Best is dun bring them out till after 3rd jab
Aside from bringing my LO for scheduled vaccinations, I don’t bring my child out till he’s 6 months
Can go out.. but not so long.. Put on stroller and put muslin cloth to cover
1 mth only bring to polyclinic. 1mth still young, immunity not strong yet
After confinement, went to a nearby shopping mall.
At least 3 months and above would be safer.