Share Your Thoughts On Phase 2
Now we're in phase 2, do you feel safe bringing baby out and start your normal life again? My personal thinking is i wont i have a feeling there will be 2nd wave. What do you think about it?

Nope, dont feel safe yet as people are flocking out. Not unless our community cases go down to 0 for longer period.
Don't feel safe yet as there are several irresponsible people not wearing mask properly and crowding.
For me we only go out when necessary..for the time being we will still continue to dine at home..
my boy travel from one end to another end of north east line mon-fri to IFC 🤣
Still staying home more, unless is sch or necessary trip for essentials.
Don’t feel safe yet, especially with massive crowds everywhere
For everyone to be socially responsible & follow protocols.
I think I will only go out unless it’s necessary. 😶
Don’t go out unnecessarily