9 Replies

Well, they can start as young as 2-3 years. Cooking really is one of the best activities for them, and backing up what they learn at school with cooking at home will enhance their interest and ability. The thing I've learned about cooking with kids (and I've clocked up quite a few shifts now) is the sheer wonder they feel when presented with a set of raw ingredients. Contrary to popular belief, children's interest goes beyond cupcakes: given the choice of baking a simple biscuit or making something that might constitute a meal, or at least go some way to contributing to it, most will choose the latter. Letting your kids loose in the kitchen is affording them a sense of autonomy that will set them in very good stead. Sure, ovens are hot and knives are sharp, but with a bit of guidance in these early years, they'll soon have the confidence to cook unaided in the kitchen.

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I think she can start as young as 2 years old. U can start with really simple packaged ready-mix. Get your child involved in the simple steps like pouring, mixing, cracking eggs, adding in water, etc. They can observe how the cake cooks in the oven (teach kitchen safety too). And the fun is always in the decorating of the cake! Have lots of colourful sprinkles, whipped cream and edible sweets such as M&Ms for her to go crazy on. Have fun!

I started really young, around 3 or 4, helping my mother and aunt bake holiday cookies for festive holidays. It started out with easy tasks like separating cake cups/ cake liners and placing them on baking trays and scooping batter into those cups. As I grew older, I helped measure the ingredients and by the time I was 10, I was allowed to bake on my own, without help (but with supervision due to ovens, knives).

I just let her help out when she was 2 years. Except for putting the batter into the oven, I allowed her to add in the ingredients. So long as the child shows an interest, I do not forsee any other hinderance in letting the child learn to bake. I even allowed my 2 year old to fry her own egg with assistance. You would be amazed how apt they are with their motor skills and learning through experience.

I started to bake with my daughter when she turns 3 years old, with simple things such as mixing and pouring. Now she is 6 years old, we bake once every month. I will prepare all the ingredients for her and she read up the recipe instructions and make herself. For dangerous steps such as using oven or stove, I will help her instead.

I started when she was 4 years old. Started with 2 minute cakes in micro wave as they are quick and easy. She really enjoys mixing, kneading and the decorating.

Maybe when she's young, you can teach her to make cold food/desert, instead of teaching her "baking". just to be safe. I'd be like - why such a hurry?

3 years old and they love it. It can get very messy and out of control. Nevertheless it's definely fun and eye opening.

I started with my boy when he was about 2 years old. He helped me pour the eggs and other ingredients. Simple task.

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