How do I start to teach sign language to my 4-m.o. baby?

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To introduce your baby to sign language, start by signing words consistently while using or pointing to the item. It may take time and a lot of repetition for your baby to get the association. But once she had grasped the concept and correctly made her first sign, picking up others should be rather easy. Here’s an article (with additional links to a free baby sign language glossary) on this topic: And here is another with 21 words and signs that would be useful to start with: A simple gauge to see whether your baby is ready to pick up sign languages would be to see if he/she could understand and use simple hand motions such as "hi" or "by", and nodding for "yes" and shaking head for "no".

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The key for us is repetition and being mindful of doing the signs in everyday situations -- like doing the sign for milk when we ask her if she wants milk. The most useful ones we've used are: milk, more, yes/no, sleep, and bath. Here's a handy guide:

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