Heed Yr gynae advice. My #3 was a time 9mths old when I was pretty with #4 and was advised to stop breastfeeding as it will affect nutrients to #4. At that time, each pump was at least 150-200ml. Yr nutrition for the foetus is as important. Alternatively, u can opt to get blessing of breast milk and continue feeding Yr #1 until Yr #2 comes along then u can go for tandem feed.
It really depends on your body. My #1 is 3 mths, #2 is 6 mths, #3 is 9 mths and now #4 is still breastfeeding. Ideally would like to stop only after 18mths if I can hold on till then cos super cost saving and also healthy for the child. If the flow is really so low, you may wish to discuss with your gynae and hubby at the same time before making the decision.
I know many friends who tandem feed and they manage well. But from wh3at they tell me, they also tend to stagger the feeding times between their babies if they are too exhausted to deal with two babies at once. There's no right or wrong to this and it's really all up to how you feel and if you think you can handle tandem feedings or not :)
I guess it really depends. I been fully latching on for my 2nd child. When i hit abt 15 weeks w my 3rd child, my milk just dries up. But my 2nd child still latches awhile for comfort at night. I do hope when i deliver and milk kicks in, he is able to continue to latch as well as help me to stimulate more milk.
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I was able to continue to latch my elder with milk till i delivered. I guess it really depends on your body.
I gave up when bb was 6 Mths old. I believe letting my body rest too
I gave it up when baby was about 6 months old.
big hugs to you mummy! don't give up!