What is the best age gap between first child and second child?

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Two, three years of gap is good as as they grow they can have company in each other. The elder one is not too big not to understand and relate to the little one and can help the little one in many ways, at home or school. But, I have seen my sister-in-law has two kids , a girl and a boy and the age difference is of 6 years. And I have seen how nicely the sister takes care of the brother. My sister-in-law is working, so the sister takes care of the brother when mum is not around, helps him in his studies, even feeds him if need be. The younger brother has picked up reading habit from the sister and at the age of 6, ( I feel amazed) he is a voracious reader. Though, 2, 3 years of difference seems ideal, but the pros of bigger age gap too cannot be denied.

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I would say 3 years age gap is just nice. My elder one is quite independent when my second one is here. After baby has arrived, she is able to help me in taking care of the baby such as feeding milk and changing diapers. If the difference of age is too small, parents might find it overwhelmed to handle 2 babies. On the other hand, if the age gap is too wide, siblings will hardly play together as the interests will be totally different between them. http://sg.theasianparent.com/what-is-the-ideal-spacing-between-children/

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Women ideally require a minimum of 18 months after childbirth before having another child. Closely spaced pregnancies are linked with increased risks of preterm births, placenta abruption, placenta previa and autism. Therefore, 18 months + 9 months = 27 months. The closest age gap you should have for your children is 27 months. http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/getting-pregnant/in-depth/family-planning/art-20044072

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Ideally, I would have preferred if it was 2-3 years difference so that theu would grow up close and have more topics to talk about. In reality, my kids are 6 years apart. I thought they wouldn't be interested in each other but I was so wrong! It also helps that my elder girl is very eager to help out with her brother so I can get some time away doing chores if I need too!

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believe there is no ideal but rather pros & cons to be weighed out


maximum 2 years

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2-3 year