What is the funniest or most annoying thing your Gynae said to you during delivery?

This is a classic story in my family. According to scans, I was supposed to be a boy so when my mom was going through a difficult labour delivering me, her doctor joked that only a girl could be this stubborn. And when I was finally born after long hours of painful hell for my mom, it turned out that I was indeed a girl and the doctor gleefully said, "see I told you so." Hahhaa.
Read moreI had opted for caesaerian. The planned date was 27th May 2013. Who knows my baby wanna come out on 25th May 2013. So, emergency csect have to be perform on that Saturday, my gynae was on a date with her hubby in a movie. The first thing she came to OT and told me "you owe me a movie ticket baby"...
Read moreI was screaming and shouting eventhough baby has already out. Gynae said my voices louder than baby's crying. Right after delivered my no.2, my gynae jokingly tell me to opt for epidural if I ever have baby no.3.. I guess I was like a mad woman during delivery and she made such comment.
I am in my pushing stage. The nurse wait for doctor to come. Because i couldn't resist anymore, i started pushing. Then the doctor came, he said "Sorry, i have no time to change my clothes" All i want to say is "For god sake forget about clothes and help this baby out!!!!"
one time I was just about to breastfeeding my boy, I said to him "which breast do you want first?". my husband heard me saying this and walked over from the living room. He said to the baby "when a lady offered you her boobs, you should say 'why not both'? "😉
My gynaecologist's first Statement after seeing our baby was, "woah, she's got a lot of hair". Lol. And she was right, our precious angel has crazy amount of hair. That's her at 3 days old.

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You eat a lot before your labour !