Empty Gestational Sac
Went for 1st appointment, supposedly 7weeks based on LMP. Only saw an empty gestational sac measuring 20mm with no signs of embryo. Waiting for another 2 weeks before the next scan. Anybody had the same experience and managed to see an embryo at the next week? Hoping for a miracle…

Exactly the same for me! I was super worried and disheartened but I tried to stay positive. As long as there’s no bleeding, have faith! 🙏🏻 3 weeks later, I saw my little baby for the first time! ☺️ I have a relatively regular cycle but the time between my cycles are about 35 days, which may be the reason why I’d about 2 weeks later than as calculated. I’m in my 10 weeks now instead of 12 if you take the first day of my last period. Hope this helps. Stay positive, have faith! 🤗
Read moreMine was supposedly 8 weeks when I did my first visit and there wasn’t even a sac found. Tested for ectopic pregnancy but also came back negative. Went back 2-3 weeks later, suddenly we saw our little miracle there.. turns out that they miscalculated his age because my period is quite irregular. As long as you don’t have extreme pains or bleeding, I think you should be fine. Or your baby could just be camera-shy and hiding somewhere.
Read moreDid you doctor also do the vaginal scan or only tummy ultrasound? I think 7 weeks may be the grey area and early for some to see embryo or hear heartbeat through tummy ultrasound or even vaginal scan. I did do my first scan at 6weeks5days and doctor only found gestational sac with tummy ultrasound and had to use the vaginal scan to see the embryo and hear the baby’s heartbeat, but every pregnancy is different. Good luck!
Read moreI had the similar situation too. I did IVF and was scheduled for my first scan in week 6. But during my first scan my GS only measured at 4 weeks with just GS and YS. Returned for my supposed week 8 scan but GS measured at 5 weeks 4 days with YS and fetus seen but no heartbeat detected. Now waiting for my scan in another week plus hopefully to detect heartbeat.
Read moreGood luck mama ❤️ all the best!
I'd same encounter twice in previous pregnancy and current. I've irregular menses so lmp isn't accurate. did both vaginal and abdominal scan, only see sac. did hcg, its 30% lower than usual. turn out to be super early pregnancy. I diligently took duphaston and bed rest, and all was good. I'm into my 19th almost 20 wks now!
Read moreWhen I got to know I am pregnant about 6-7 weeks, They couldn’t find any sac too. But HCG blood test shows that I am pregnant. When for follow up and only managed to find the sac with heart rate probably at 10 weeks
Thanks for giving me some hope :)
maybe your ovulation is off by few weeks if your period is irregular. will see embryo after few weeks
Baking my baby bean