Empty gestational sac.. No yolk sac at 5 weeks 6 days

I went to see gyane today at 5 weeks 6 days. But cannot find yolk sac and only gestational sac can be seen via vaginal scan. I need to go back and see doctor only 2 weeks later. Any mummies experienced the same before and any positive outcome to expect in next 2 weeks? I feel worried if there is anything wrong with my pregnancy.. TIA

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oh this is very normal, it’s still very very early to see on the scan… many mummies have been through this and it’s so common. best to do first scan 7-8 weeks onwards, can see fetal pole and maybe even heartbeat

3y ago

omg! that's a relief ❤️ Thanks a lot for your positive answer 🥰

Week 6 with only GS seen thru Vag scan, went for week 9 scan and I could see yolk sac, baby plus heart beat. Week 6 is just very early ☺️