Empty gestational sac

Hi i am on week 5 day 5 and just did an abdominal ultrasound scan. Saw an empty gestational sac only. And the size of the gestational sac was 0.82cm. Is this normal?

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this is why it is not recommended to go in too early. and becoz it's too early, all you will see is what you've mentioned and sometimes it might create unnecessary stress for certain mom to be thinking it's not an viable pregnancy or there's an issue when in fact it is still too early to detect anything.

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Hi! Week 5 is still very very early to see anything other than a sac! Mine was the same. Week 7 or so then can see either yolk sac or very very small fetus. By week 8 can see heartbeat

6mo ago

Should I just skip the week 5 scan completely?