Is it true by taking virgin coconut oil will help easy labour without tearing?

No.. heh. Whether there’s a tear depends on a few factors.. how stretchy your skin and vagina canal is, how hard you push, how you coordinate your pushing with your gynae and midwives, how many times you’ve delivered a baby. Many first time mums will be less stretchy down there, so if your gynae feels like you will have a tear (can only assess at the time of delivery), they will usually do an episiotomy (cut), so as to try and prevent a bad tear. As for an easy labour, wah.. labour is usually never easy 😅 Sometimes it’s faster, but it’s not easy. If pain will be a concern, just take all the pain relief methods they offer. To make the pushing time shorter, practise your controlled breathing at home so that you have stamina to push long and hard without pausing in between while following the instructions of the midwives. I promise you that building your strength (to push) and stamina really helps. Tried and tested twice 😂
Read moreNot true. Usually tearing can’t be avoided unless baby is very small enough. To prevent tearing the doctor will do episiotomy.
Hmm i did not take any and i had 3 births.. 2 of which i didnt tear or needed episiotomy and didnt sew at all
Don’t think so
Not true