Have you tried letting ur toddler help u with food preparation? I find that once they are involved they get excited to try what they made and it really isn't limited to just pancakes n waffles. As simple as washing the fruits to cutting them with a butter knife! Also check out the Bristol stool chart guide shared by Friso to better understand between good n bad poop: https://www.facebook.com/151414384691/posts/10159772663359692/ From there It helped me identify what foods were digested and what they are lacking in their daily diet!
I read an article on fb, Friso page, that oats, bananas, apples can help kids have good poop cos they are rich in fibre. My boy prefers fruits over veggies too.☺️ Sharing you the link, it might help! https://m.facebook.com/Frisosingapore/posts/?ref=page_internal&mt_nav=0