Oscar Test result
Today just got the result from my Oscar and the ratio is 1:561. And I am doing the 2nd test. I am soo worry now.. Is the ratio really that bad?

I had my ratio at 1:398 for Oscar but I didn't went ahead for the second test even though my gynae recommended me to due to my young age and the risk factor is higher. However, during my second trimester test, all the results turned out fine and the doctor reassured me that the risk is further lowered as there isn't any abnormalities seen and additionally, the factor which is something that got to do with the thickness of the neck turns out to develop fine and within average. I think you don't have to worry so much if you had went ahead with the 2nd testing and relax yourself more. There are a lot of factors which contribute to the ratio which mostly surround around the baby's growth. Sometimes, it might just be growing a little slower in the beginning and hence the ratio are of medium risk.
Read moreHave you done the paranoma? I've heard many cases where Oscar provides inaccurate results, It happened to me as well! I did Oscar for my no. 1 and it showed high risk, after which 1 did a 2nd test and all is fine. my no. 1 is turning 4 soon. Now that I'm expecting my no. 2, I opted for paranoma which will take place next week.
Read moreI don’t think you should think too much about it. The test is inconclusive. Either way, you will love your baby the same and you’re going to be a mother! What a blessing that is. I chose not to do the test even after being told mine is high risk. Just have faith that everything will be okay. All the best, momma.
Read moreSince you are doing the 2nd test it will put you at ease. My Friend was very worried like you and she did the 2nd test and it was fine
I think that quite a good number. If high risk means 1:1000 or 1:300. But Oscar is 90% accurate only
Yah, trying not to think soo much.
Oscar often gives inaccurate results. Have you done the harmony, I gene or paronama?
I did amnio test, Panorama, now lastly harmony
Basically it’s a 0.2% chance of having down syndrome. It’s not that bad
But my Dr told me that is medium risk and I went to do the Paronama.
there is no 100% accuracy...try to focus on the good things. :)
Not really bad. But if you are worried, can take harmony test.