Bad result with Oscar
I took Oscar last week for 1st trimester test for Down Syndrome. Yesterday my OG called me and ask me to go back to the clinic as the test result is not optimistic. I am 33 this year and in 13 weeks pregnancy now and had 1:194, consider high risk for Down Syndrome. Breakdown and helpless. I then further took the Paronama and test result is only be able to ready in 10 days. I am very worry. #firstbaby #worried #helpless

Hugs mummy! My friend went thru with the down syndrome test too and result were not as what she expected. She was told that baby is considered as high risk for down syndrome. Well, she just go on with the pregnancy and accepted for whatever the outcome may be. Guess what?! She gave birth and baby was born perfectly normal. Her daughter is now 2 years old stepping into all the milestones perfectly! Don't lose hope! Don't worry yourself.
Read moreI didnt have a good oscar result too, husband panic more than me and decided to do nipt, result is 1:10000 low risk. oscar gives alot of false alarms and frightened many mummies, if I have another kid, I will never do oscar anymore. and yes I waited 10days for the nipt result. so try to stay calm as ur anxiety will affect fetus's psychology, dont worry first since results take time. wishing u all the best.
Read moreHi, I just received my Oscar result last week my ratio for ds is 1-21 and I’m 35 this year. My result is bad due to my blood test and age. Hcg 2.789 Papp 0.343 the result are quite different from my 1st pregnancy 6 years ago. Kinda worried and anxious. My gynae recommended us to go amniocentesis on my 16 weeks. Feeling so stressful. Keep googling and reading forum look for positive vibes. :(
Read morehi mummy how ure condition now n baby..?
Hey mama, I totally get you cos we want our baby to be healthy and safe. But there are many false positive result and oscars are not that accurate at times. Stay on the positive side and talk to baby time to time! I wish all the best to u and hope ur paronama result will be good!
Read morehi im 34 and my FST was 1:57. was extremely worried but baby has been cleared after the paronama/harmony test. while worrying, wait for the blood test results and continue to eat and rest well. good luck!
I got my result recently and was told that it was 1:9. High risk.. I didn't go for further test or checks anymore as we choose to keep the baby. But hope to hear a good news from your 2nd test
Hi mummy, went thru the same and my oscar result was 1:19. Went for the amniocentesis test and the result was fine and in week 28 now. Dont lose hope, we can do it!!
Hi mummy, may I know if your pregnancy was smooth back then? My Oscar result is 1:7. Hope to hear from you.
That’s the problem with Oscar. It’s not very accurate compared to panorama. There’s no point in worrying so much. Just pray and have faith that your baby will be fine.
I am 34 when I get pregnant and give birth last year I didn't took any of this test and have faith that my bb comes out healthy now he is 9 mos old growing well
don't worry too much mommies have faith with ur little one growing inside u, worrying too much while preggy is not good just think positive ok, I also was scared last time but I choose to believe
Thank you mummies for the encouragement. I received my Paronama result today, my doctor called me :) It's LOW RISK! ♥️♥️♥️
Yay! 🥳🥳🥳
I just wish my baby is happy and healthy ♥️