10 Balas
Thank you everyone for your kind and supportive responses to me 💗💗 i did a beta hcg blood test this evening and the result are here. I couldn’t refrain myself from overthinking 🥹From here I can see that I’m just couple weeks along. Might as well gonna get another scan in few more weeks. I’ll get this post updated as well since it May helped other mommies to get some reference. Blood test HCG @ KPJ Lablink Jalan Pahang : RM48.00
X perlu risau, awl lg tu 5w boleh jadi pembuahan lmbt berlaku dan baru 4w+. 4/5w tu masih normal lg kantung blm nmpk. Selagi tiada bleeding kandungan mesti ok. Ikut ckp dr tunggu 3w nt repeat scan. Buat masa skg jgn terlampau cek google tanya google itu ini, sbb smua jawapan kpd soalan awk tu sy yakin kbnykannya negetive bikin awk tmbah stress klu terlalu baca kat google. Jaga diri baik2.
We are in d same state sis. Doc scan, tiada kantung.. Sampai saat ini sy risau n takut. This gonna be my second baby as well. My firstborn dlu kena scan wkt 4w, kantung suda ada tp msi kosong. This time, kantung lgsung teda . Doc said seolah2 not preggy at all. Baca2 gugel suma lead to ectopic pregncny n mscrriage. Risau sangat
Sy buka buku pink d hosp gov sis. Tp tdk kna scan, doc gov said scan slepas reach 10w. Tp sy yg x sabar, so i went to klinik kecil swasta d pekan. Doc swsta tu ckp mcm tu la, me mcm org x mgandung. The doc didnt askd me to wait another 2weeks, he only said supposedly 4w pn nmpk sda klu really preg. Thats y sy agak kcewa dgar. Hopefully nti tmjnji d klinik gov smula dah nmpak isi. And will try to cek hcg jg la sis.
Kita risaukan jika hamil luar rahim jika tak nampak kantung dlm rahim. Apapun, betul kata yg lain ada yg belum nampak jika hamil 5 minggu. Macam saya 4 minggu dah nampak kantung. Apapun, boleh scan lg untuk tengok perkembangan ya. Take a good care and health.
Lain baby lain pengalaman. Sy ank first seawal 6w dh nmpak kantung. Ank second 10w baru nmpak. Dlm kes sis mgkin awal lg nk detect. Sis jgn cpt stress dlu..tggu 3w mcm doc sarankan. Terus perhatikan discaj sis..any spotting bgtau doc
Hi, 5 weeks approximately sesame size. The chance of couldn't be detected is normal as suggested first scan is 9 weeks and above. As long as there is no spotting, you shouldn't be worried. Only follow the doctor's advice.
Masa sy warded katil sebelah kes mcm ni, upt ve but xde kantung , buat tvs pon xnmpk apa2. No symptoms of ectopic, she said 2times already admitted, last sblm sy masuk ot, dia ckp doc nk tebuk perut utk cr kantung/baby
5 minggu kalau buat scan mmg tak nampak apa2, sis kena tunggu dlm 2/3 minggu baru check dkt doktor okey.. if no sign of spotting/bleeding, dont get worry.. everything will be fine ☺️
Still very early la scan 5w slalu x nmpak ape lagi tu, slagi no spotting no bleeding. Thn should be ok. 7-8w baru scan masatu baru la nmpak.
too early to worried. scan again few weeks ya