There are times when my husband and I contradict each other's parenting methods. What's a good way to resolve such issue, aside of course from talking with him?

These things look so trivial from outside, but I know how they create havoc in your life. I, too, experience such instances in my life, though not many, but even a few times drives you crazy. Though, it is unfair on the part of the baby being stuck in this tug of war between parents but what to do, we all think ourselves to be perfect at parenting. My husband and I had many fights over this issue that whose perspective of dealing with a particular situation is better, and then, we decided to try each other's method. And say, if I am dealing with kid, he doesn't interfere and if I am having a conversation with the kid, he stays out of it. We both never together try to tell the kid what's right or wrong.
Read moreWe also experience this at times. What I do is that I let my husband do his thing and observe if the result will do no harm or will be more beneficial for our child. I also see to it that I keep him reminded of some of the proven methods I tried so that he'd be aware. It's just maybe a matter of being open to what one has on his or our minds. We just need to change our way of thinking bec. since we are the ones with our child always we may think that our method is the best, well in fact they can also have methods that can probably work just fine or maybe much fine than ours. :)
Read moreWhy not give both your methods a try and see which one the kids respond to better? Don't do it simultaneously as this will confuse the kids but maybe take turns doing them for a week each. Growing up, I found that I would be more inclined to listen to my parents when both of them "team up" as I would have no one to negotiate with haha. Find common ground in your parenting styles and appear as a unit. Nothing drives a point across better (for me at least) :)
Read moreu may wish to allow each other chance to educate yr child separately. say for example, this week is yr turn and next week is his. monitor your child and see who's parenting is more suitable. alternatively, both of you work as a team. if one fails, there is another to support.
Read moreThat's snother good solution. Thanks.
If I fail to convince hub to buy a certain parenting method, I'll use parenting articles to support my beliefs. Works 8 out of 10 times usually, the last two being either he grew up that way (tried and tested lol) or his method was really better! Good luck!
Parenting is a team effort. Complementing each other may be the most effective way
just try and see, maybe his parenting style is suitable for your kid.
Wife. Mom. Writer. Teacher.