Is there some platform for confession? Can I made a confession here? I just screamed at my 2 month old boy until he jumped n stop crying for that 2 seconds n continue to cry. I'm a bad momma. I know I've scared him. Now he's cry until he fell asleep. Although it's time for his milk soon. I hate myself when I can't handle him. And I tear small surgical tape to tape his pacifier to his mouth for 30min. I cried after that.

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Mummy, seek help from your Friend or your mum. You might be worry over don't know how to takecare baby. kKH has the class on postpartum. Relax yourself and cool down. Breathe in breathe out and tell yourself, baby need curdle or hungry or just need mummy to be around. If your spouse don't help it is okay. If he is willing to help and doesn't know. You can ask help from Friend or old folks. I have disregard my Husband as he never help. It is okay. Baby will grow up. I am a Mother of 3. I have overcome it and you can too. You just need time and over stress on don't know what baby wants. First child is tougher as you have to find the baby cues.

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It is normal to a certain extent as we're still suppose to be resting to heal but we have a tiny human depending on us 24/7.Throw in the lack of sleep and tiredness, we do get a little crazy from all that. When things get too much,get someone else to take over for awhile. Breathe and take a break from all of it. At the same time please do keep your emotions in check for fear of accidentally going overboard and hurting the child unintentionally. You are not a bad mother. You are only human and you have your limits too. Always remember to take care of yourself too because you can't pour from a cup thats empty.

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hi mummy, I had the same struggles as you and this book helped a lot. try these methods in this sequence: Swaddle, white noise app, lie on side/stomach, rocking (, pacifier. I usually do the rocking first but you may be scared to try at first, do it over your bed for safety. it works like magic. my boy couldn't hold his pacifier too till like 3 months and I had to hold it for him till he gets a grip. try to think of the crying as a puzzle and you have these steps to try out and solve it. keep calm mummy! remember, too much crying can lead to colic so don't give up. :)

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let me share with you something. today i did one of the worst things ever. i was about to post it here. i screamed at my 3 year old and 1 year old baby. my 3 year old hid in a corner and didn't dare come out. i lost it and said to my baby that i hated him and i called him a swine and asshole. i feel really bad about it as well. everyday i wake up saying i must not lose my temper the kids are innocent and yet i still lose it. it's hard and othersay not understand. but i feel you. speaking of which, i feel like I'm the worst mom ever, how could i say such a thing. haiz. sorry if i didn't help.

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I use to lose my temper at my Baby as well. It is normal for us humans. What I learn is don’t expect. Just try your best. If your baby does not sleep after you have tried a million times just accept it and maybe bring baby for walks around your house or room Or if u need a break just let baby cry while you take a breather. Because we get angry when things don’t go our way. Hang in there, think of it this way. Enjoy baby’s every Sec because when they grow up they don’t even want to spend time with you. Jia you!!! This phase will pass.

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Mummy please don't tape your baby's mouth... it is not safe for the baby. Take a deep breath when you feel like you are going to lose your cool. Know that all this will pass and please be patient with your baby. Babies sometimes cry to seek comfort.... they turn to their caregivers for comfort.. Please give them that comfort because they will grow up one day to be adults. This phase will not last forever.. do treasure the moments while you can. Hang in there mummy!

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i feel you. when my son had his teething period i also broke down. the whole house was in a mess, he cant sleep, i cant eat, carry him whole day is just crushing my back. in the end we cried together. until a point he is tired and i picked him up again and we fell asleep on the couch. after that period it was better. Ask for help! mil, your own mom, siblings aunty... whoever that is willing to help! at least you get to eat, shower, get some rest.

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My baby also 1st 3 mths keep crying . Constantly carry her & need to rock her the way she want! Because of that i had de quervain's tenosynovitis in my wrist when she going hit 1 mo then follow by another weeks, i need to wear hand guard 24/7 😂 went tcm / GP few times all not helping much about aft the 4th mth she outgrow & i gradually recover now she's a super duper cheerful baby. Ur baby need ur love. U can do it!!

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We are stronger than we think we are mummy. Remember you are a mummy now, you have to bite the bullet for your dearest baby. My baby also cried alot at 2 mo and I didn't know it was due to colic or wind in her tummy. Letting her sleep like a koala bear on me makes her tummy comfortable. Can give colic meds too. Seek help if possible too. You can do this.

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What?! U taped surgical tape to tape pacifier to his mouth for 30 mins?!?! Baby could suffocate. That's really too much. Seek help if needed. Don't take it out on the poor baby! Understandable if you are stressed. It's not just about being a "bad" or "good" Mom. It's about knowing ur limits. If u can't handle, get someone to help u.

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