9 Replies
Just to share, my first pregnancy was with a faint line too, I had spotting and bad cramps. I went to a gynae as soon as possible and they did blood test for me. Unfortunately I had a miscarriage the next day. So you might wanna go to the polyclinic/gynae first to do a blood test/ultrasound just to be sure.
Looks like a positive to me! Perhaps you can try another one first thing tomorrow morning or give it another couple of days? Just make sure it's the mid-stream of your first pee, apparently that's the most accurate :)
yes it does! have another test by next week; should be darker then it's time to go Poly (referral) or straight to gynae! all the best mummy! 😋
Try next few days or get clearblue with pregnant/not pregnant indication. Seems to me as positive. For assurance retest again.
Looks like it. U can test again in a few days time. It will get darker if you are really pregnant.
Unfortunately I had a backache the next day and my menses came.. still very confused what had happened..
your spotting could be implantation. Fx for you.
Yesss! Itll get darker in few days time