Am I pregnant?
Period is late for 3 weeks. Tested negative on 10 June but super faint line appeared today.

when read within the timeframe, any faint line should mean a positive! I would test again in a few days to see if the line gets darker. alternatively, try taking a digital one like what others suggest so that you don't have to second guess the results. all the best!
So long as there’s a faint line, very likely so as u have the hcg hormone. There are some cases of false positives but unlikely. Go to a gynae to do a blood test or scan to confirm!
This one second child (hopefully) so don’t need so fast go see gynae as we already know what to expect 😂
prolly try again. i took it when my period was late for almost weeks and it was dark positive lines. i used the normal and digital one. digital showed im 2 - 3+ pregnant .
Had a super dark obvious positive one when I was pregnant with my first child but it’s different this time round. Will test again. Thanks!
Oh Congrats! It’s definitely positive!! Maybe wait for a couple more days and test again with first urine in the morning. You should see the line getting darker.
Take another test and read results during time frame (see pamphlet inside box). Otherwise you can walk in to any GP and ask for hcg beta blood test
The photo posted was taken during the time frame. Don’t wanna see a doc yet. Still traumatised from the many blood tests when I was pregnant with my first child 🥲
Hi, I have 2 negative 3 faint lines before it ture solid lines. I did my test every other days after I missed my menses. Just sharing my experiences.
Thank you!! I’ve had 2 negatives and 1 faint line so far. Really hope it’ll be a confirm plus chop positive soon!
i suggest u wait another few days and perhaps take the digital one with the words pregnant/not pregnant...good luck!
I wanted to use the digital one to confirm but it’s currently OOS everywhere 🥲
Go poly they will check n let u know. My second baby they able to detect 4 days before missed period.
Congratulations you are pregnant just waiting for the hormones to kick in😊
Thank you!!! Appreciate it! :)
Faint line is a good news!