perlu buka buku pink ke tak

suami nak saya bersalin di private hospital. so tiap tiap bulan biat check up di private hospital juga. saya cuma nak tau perlu ke saye buat buku pink atau tak?

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Super Mum

Yes. For me, it's sgt perlu. Buku pink is so important, it's like a health diary of your child for the doctors and nurses to see/read if ever there's a problem about the baby's health or for monthly/weekly/daily check-up. Tpi sy tdak thu lh plk kalau mcm d private hospital. But i think it's needed too.

Baca lagi

Saya daripada awal mengandung hingga bersalin, hanya checkup di private hospital je sbb mmg nak bersalin di private hospital. Tetap ada buku/kad rekod mengandung mcm buku pink kk