Do you start traditional weaning first or straight BLW?

BLW ! Baby can join in family meals and you don’t have to waste time spoon feeding them. Good for their hand eye coordination too, food preferences and they actually get to experience real foods and textures. But I would say you have to be fully committed to the method or else it’ll be challenging for the kiddo, consistency is key.
Read moreI prefer traditional weaning, because I don’t like wasting food/messy areas 😅 And I’m also paranoid about choking/allergies. So far, it’s worked out well for both my kids.
Doing blw for the past 1month.. dive straight into blw. u can check out my instagram @ elroy_says_ho_jiak or my fb page @ baby led weaning (BLW) recipes and support group
Read moreI started with BLW . But honestly , a lot of waste ... and very messy at first . Babies will gag , its normal . After a while , everything is great .
Traditional weaning. BLW cannot be started early...perhaps 9 months or older, if you’re keen to try. Do take note of choking risks though.
My dream was to do BLW, but requires too much time, patience & energy. So I resorted to traditional weaning. Oops! 😆
I started with traditional but my baby refused all puree food so I tried blw. My baby is very happy with it.😊😊
Traditional is better to introduce solids to my LO
Traditional weaning first
I made purée and gave