worried mum

So my son have like pimples on his face since he is few days old. Im not sure if its normal or not. Now he is 2weeks old and its getting more. If he is in aircond room his skin seem to be fine but when we use fan his skin come out this pimple like thing on his face. I already tried to put baby oil during his massage but it seems not to be working. I do not pop it or disturb it. What should i do? Baby is on breastmilk only and using drypers head to toe wash and johnson's baby oil. He showers once a day since 4days old. He also have mild jaundice.

worried mum
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Tulis jawapan

Boleh cuba Allano lotion from Amway

sama.. sy tukar mandian ke sebamed.

Bedak sejuk yg mana satu eh awak

Question close. Thanks to all.

Ruam susu kot tu bkn jerawat..

ank kita pon ada tu..MCM MN hilg kn

2y ago

sy guna susu bdn.hilang.tp jgn tlmpau banyak

VIP Member

anak saya pon macm tu sis..

samalh ngn ank sy...

knpe ad bitik2 mrah

Sama dgn anak saya