73 Balas

Just like my son. He had it when he was 4 days old.. Mine was on his cheek chin and forehead. Just leave it be. It’s called Erythema Toxicum, check it out. It’ll go away by itself. Don’t put oil or anything over it. Absolutely dont pop the pimples too. It takes as early as 2 weeks and as late as 6 months for them to completely go away. For my son, it has reduced by 80%. He is now 2 weeks 5 days old. I’ll pray yours would heal soon too.

Thank u sis.. may ur son heals too.. my son almosf 8months now and his pimples reduced.but he gets it occasionally now. 😊

baby saya pun ada tumbuh ni. dalam tu macam nanah. ni menandakan skin baby sensitive, so don't ever put anything even ' powder ' ya mom. masa mandi tu, biar guna shower dia saja, habis mandi keringkan macam biasa. jangan letak apa apa. nanti hilang sendiri tu. jangan guna shower Johnson, tu lagi buat dia panas & tumbuh banyak nanti. i tot Johnson products tu panas, sy pun da stop guna tu. now guna shower dari drypers je, sensitive skin baby da ok & benda ni pun dah hilang sendiri da

ye btul..lepas mndi jgn sapukan bedak..sbb kulit ank sensitif

normal. anak sy start naik hari ke 3. skrg makin kurang hari ke 18. tp baru perasan dekat kepala ada naik sikit slps guna kain bedung yg dpt gift. muslin bedung tp bukan bamboo rasanya. keras dari yg sy kasi. so dah tahu dia alah dgn kain tu. lps tukar blk kain bedung asal yg bamboo baru ok. jgn sapu losyen nt getting worse. sbb sblm sy sapu losyen ingatkan sbb kering. so skrg sy lap kain je bila kene susu. lama2 dia hilang sendiri.

baby saya pun sama...umur 10 hari penuh 1 muka... doktor kata sbb air susu sedangkan anak saya minum susu badan dlm botol je...saya pun baw ke farmasi...dia bagi 1 krim tuk wat sapuan paling tipis slps mandi....arini ari ke 14,muka dia dh beransur pulih...

sy pkai corn starch powder je..dh ok

septic spot...cm ank sy br ni..dr lahir smpi umur bberapa mggu..naik teruk sgt2 kt muke tgn kaki...risau tgk...tp slagi bby ok n xde dmm ok je..cm ms ni jgn guna ape2 sabun pn pd baby n bedak pn sy xguna sbb tkt lg byk naik..skng ank sy da 2bln..da licin gebus kulitnye...

ank sy no 3 penuh dahi n bbrp d muka sj. ms tu risau sngt²..sebb jaundice teruk gak la. lps sebulan mcm tu normal dh kulit muka

my baby also like that, need to be in aircond room... she can't be hot, kalau panas akan ade balik bintik tu, ruam panas tu don't worry.. just put bedak sejuk always after shower. in shaa allah your baby will be ok

Sis nk tnya.. Okey ka baby bila dlm aircond room/suasana sejuk dgn kipas besar volume 3..? Lepas tu kita bedung baby biar pun tebal x apa kan? Sy risaukan ruam yg naik..smpai ke kepala sudah..

Doctor give this lotion and also sabun mandi Ezerra for my baby. Lepas mandi keringkan badan dan sapu lotion. In 2 days makin berkurangan dan hilang. jgn biarkan anak berpeluh. Lap peluh mereka jika ada. Dedahkan pd angin sekali sekala. kulit mereka sensitive jdi perlu jaga dengan baik.

My baby is having the same issue. I do these and it heals: 1. Wipe mouth and around it with damp cotton pad (avoid using handkerchief, it worsen the condition) 2. Using mustela facial cream, i only put on affected area, not the whole face/body. Within a few hours the redness is gone and the next day the ‘pimple’ is no more seen.

My baby too.. It's normal. But in another way to control it you have to control the moist of his face too. Wipe his face with wet tissue after every direct feeding, do not use powder/lotion/oil for the time being on his face, make sure the surroundings must be not to cold and not to warm.

My baby is worst, if it happen on face I think people call it ruam susu, on body they call it ruam panas.. But my son have both even until now.. He's 2 months old old. I just put bedak sejuk until its gone.

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