Since pregnancy i moved back to parents house and parents help me look after baby since the day baby was born and sleep with baby since she born. And now she is 1 years old and everytime baby see MIL she will also cry or when she go back their house she cry alot and i feel so heartbroken . And after birth i find job near my parents place and its impossible for me to quit and bring baby back.. we are staying East (Tampines) and they are staying west (Boon Lay) and travelling back is long and we only went back every weekend for dinner. And now MIL ask say she want to take care of baby what should i do ? In MIL House there only 1 person who can take care baby which is my Mil and she have to do housework and some chores daily as no one will be home in the morning till night and i afraid her style of looking after baby and baby will only face one person whereas at my home she will face many people such as both of my parents and siblings and she get to play , go out and also learn things as someone will teach him at my home. And also partly because i m working near my parents home . And i really dont feel like moving into their house to stay again :( Now i m so complicated. If you was me in such scene will you quit your job and moved back to MIL place stay and find a job near her place instead ? And let her look after baby ? Or you prefer to stick as of now ..

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You should stick to your current and whatever is more comfortable for you. Even if you move back to your MIL's place, you might become unhappy about it in the long run and ended up having alot of grudges, this is not good for yourself, your relationship with your husband and your baby. Also, it is just a passing phase. When your baby gets older, he/she will not cry around her anymore. To help improve their (baby and MIL) relationship now, going over on weekends for an entire afternoon will certainly help.

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