31W 4Days
shall i do detail scan at 31W 4Days?? is KK do detail scan??or i need to go private clinics??

Hi .. i have read some article about detail scan. They suggest to do it at 18 weeks-24 weeks. Some of the clinic only between 18 weeks-20 weeks. You can call the clinic first ask if they still can do detail scan at 30weeks and above. You can do at private clinic
utk pengetahuan 2D scan tu detail scan sbb boleh tgk organ dll.3D4D tu hanya boleh tgk luaran shj.bg yg mampu scan kat private terpulang, tp bg yg x mampu jgn risau check up kat kk dah cukup utk mummy& baby.
kk buat detail scan around 20w mcmtu.sy 3 anak buat checkup kk shj.detail scn utk cek if ada abnormal atau masalah baby.
Kk not doing details scan... You need to go to private clinic. Usually they will suggest you to do @20 - 28weeks
kk tak buat detail scan mommy..need to go to private..mine check up at kk and scan at ptivate..
Hai im also 31w 4 days.. Due 22nd june... Detail scan i suggest might go to private clinic...
Private clinic much better. KK have no detail scan. They only have 2D.
i did at 24 weeks and paid rm200 for detail scanning and 4d scanning.
kk not doing detail scan i guess. need to go to private one.
thanks you mommy
Mama of 1 sweet superhero