Detailed Scan

I'm pregnant with my 1st kid :) I've been to KK for checkups. May I know does KK provide detailed scan as offered by private clinics? Is it better to go for a detailed scan in private clinics? Kindly advise.

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As I know, Normal KK does not provide detailed scan as only a qualified O&G specialist who subspecialised in feto-maternal is eligible for detailed scan. I would suggest you to visit private O&G specialist centre, find for a doctor whom subspecialised in this field. :)

5y ago

Thanks for ur reply! Yes will pay a visit at private centre.

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Better go to private for details scan... But KK just follow their appt also... Don't skip.. Take care

No dear..they dont do the detail scan..only private does..

Ya... Is better to hv a detail scanning.

better private for detail scan