Thai massage
Is it safe to do Thai massage for leg and back?

Opt for a prenatal massage instead and only do it from the 2nd trimester onwards (when the pregnancy is more stable). The veins in your legs and lower back are connected to the fetus so please stay safe.
i did mine but they would make you sign a a paper saying they they wouldnt be responsible for you if anything happened to you which means not safe better don't
Avoid doing foot massage as there are many pressure points in a feet and pressing them during pregnancy is not recommended.
No!! Check the news. Recently There’s one Thai preg lady lost her baby and died after she went for foot massage.
Nope. Find those experienced in pre natal massage. And that the masseuse is qualified enough..
Definitely not. ONLY go for those experienced in pre natal massages
No. They shouldn’t accept u also if they are professional
Definitely no!! No foot massage pls
Not during pregnancy!
Yeah it’s safe.