10 Balas

Hmmmm... same here!!! Geram sangat lah tengok sushi hat ada salmon mentah tuuu. Sashimi puuunn. Tapi demi anak, tahan lah dulu. Nnt dah settle sume bedal sagat lah kita. Raw food bahaya utk preggy mom. I'm drooling by just reading your post 😂

VIP Member

Salmon Sashimi is my favourite too! I can feel you... but its worth to avoid it in order to ensure beloved Baby born healthy without any risks.

I feel you sis!!!! Been craving for it since 6weeks of pregnancy, now im 38w. Not sure after deliver how long only i can eat that.

You cant eat raw fish. How about salmon grill? Its good too 👍🏻

boleh mkn yg sushi tu tpi kne pstikn btul3 msk..

I did ate some after my first trimester 🤫

VIP Member

Same..craving salmon sashimi jgk..huhu. 😥

Hang in there mama ! 😭 You can do it ...

sashimi jgnlah.. sbb raw. sabar ye sis..

Me2 and craving for steak as well ..

Half done please... yummeh.

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