Just realised hubby has romantic messages with a girl who is his God-Sister. In the messages, hubby imply that marriage is boring as I always don't feel like doin sex and saying things like he should marry to the god- Sister who is also married but having problems now. Hubby even suspect our boy is not His and is 2 years after I gave birth. I am now 5 months pregnant again and what shall I do? To confront him? I have been feeling very tired since my first pregnancy till now and I usually don't initiates sex. Hubby still appears normal in front of me but lately has been complaining to me about no sex activities.

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It's always so easy for an outsider like me to say, yes confront him, talk to him. But easier said than done, right? I think what you'll need is courage - courage not only to confront him, but courage to face the outcome of confronting him. You might have a heated argument, or you might have an open discussion. He might leave, or he might realize his foolishness and be more supportive. At the end of the day, what you need now is love and support. Being pregnant and having a 2 year old, you need to be emotionally, mentally and physically healthy. Stress and anxiety can affect not only you, but your toddler and growing baby as well. You and the kids need to be living in a positive and loving envieonment. So think about your options now, prepare for whatever outcome will be when you confront your husband. Because you should confront him. You can't just ignore it. He has to know that you know what he's thinking and that it hurts you that he has those thoughts about you, your toddler, and about not understanding why you're not in a sexy mood these days. Because hello! Your hormones are acting up! I'm sorry but I think your husband is behaving very selfishly. And the god-sister? I would confront her and tell her to back off. It's one thing to be a friend, but she better not go beyond that. That's just downright wrong. Do you have a mom, sibling or best friend you can stay with in case things go south with your husband? Remember: think about what's best for you and your children. You need love and support, and the courage to get through this. Tight hugs to you, mama.

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God sisters are jus excuse, title as to be kept in view when gf required. I have raised my concerns over my hub's god sisters issues, and he has since drift away from them. However, if guys are unwilling to let go of god sisters which meant there is something. Guys wont name god sisters for no reason. If they aint special why cant they be classified as frens, but hv to be god sisters. Ultimately people make mistakes, its merely how guys are willing to compromise to their loved ones.

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Confrontation is never a good thing. Have a sit down with your hubby and have a heart to heart talk. Physical love is an integral part of a marriage and this brings a couple closer to each other if done right. However, the absence or lack of it does not give anyone the right to search for another partner. You two need to find a way through this challenge in your marriage but keeping your hurt and complaints from each other is not and will not help resolve the situation at hand

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Before taking an action, think of what you are trying to achieve. If it is of personal satisfaction with no material gain, then is pointless. Don't be emotional. Maybe you can consider taking action to change underlining issues. After the situation is better, you can let him know that you saw the message but you took the effort to make changes. He will love you more. A smart woman uses wits and not demand.

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Era. What era is this?? Still got God Sister kind of thing going on. I seriously suspect he is having some close relationships with that so called god Sister. I didn’t have sex with my Husband since my 2nd trimester because I don’t feel like. My Husband respects me for that .

Why not try to work towards improving the marriage and sex life. I won't use the confrontation method. I prefer try to talk it out and hear what he has to say. whenever something goes wrong in a marriage it is because something and someone's needs are no met.

8y ago

I owned up and explained that why I did that the second time over 7 years is because I am unsecured. He refused to accept and insist he is correct and I am wrong. He says those conversations are just talks and no actions. Initially he refused to go for Counselling and claims that so Long as i accept not to check his phone anymore he will give me another chance for this marriage. But I refused. Eventually he accepted to go but mindset of going is to see how the counsellors say I am wrong and he

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I don't understand this whole god sister thing:( Do have good talk with your husband, calmly. Both must work together in order to save a marriage Do get some moral support for your family and friends if possible.

talk nicely with your husband... Since u r pregnant please also take care of yourself..