Ignore or to reply?

Previously I posted about this friend who gave birth few months later den me..she likes to boast about how clever her son is each time we have conversation(mostly whatsapp) as I seldom meet her too(more distressing to hear her praise her son in my face). I've always maintained a positive attitude or simply just a word or two and ignore after that.. however I feel quite sick about it. She always boast about her son at 1year old plus can scoot already, can ownself bathe, can speak how many words etc. However one time she came my house and boasted says her son can sit swing independently however when we go playground downstairs he can't and she says oh this swing is shaped differently. Says her son attend school for the first time and doesnt cry and teacher praise her son for being smart at his age..even says that her PD assess her son brain to be 3yo..is there even such assessment? As she has a 5yo niece who stays with her, her son learns everything from her niece whereas my son is the only child at home. Every toddler develops at different phase and have their own strength and weaknesses. For my toddler, he knows the full abc and numbers 1 to 20 and more at 18months, have good memory and can point correctly of whatever we asked, just that he doesn't want to speak yet. Since my friend likes to boast about her son, I tried to boast mine too (but I'm not the type who likes to boast). However she ignores me but expects me to react whenever she says her son is clever. So recently I've decided to stay away from her and did not reply her msges. She msged me again and asked how am I? Should I reply or ignore? #pleasehelp

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Oh damn. Personally i would ignore. Well, she might still come back for “more” 😂 Most imptly do not let her words affect you.

2y ago

Yes I've ignored her for a month and she still keeps msging me..doesn't get my hint😅 shall continue to ignore