pacifier for babies

For parents who introduce pacifier, why? Also what are health risk for using pacifier and which month is the best to introduce pacifier without causing health risk for baby? Does pacifier lead to sleep association and does this affect parents alot? How do you tell baby needs pacifier vs need milk?

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Super Mum

I intro because my baby has colic. Doctor recommended me to use it as it can soothe her. I used it when she was almost 2 months. Using pacifier can reduce SIDs. The possible health risk will be crooked teeth.

VIP Member

Intro to my #1 as he had strong sucking reflex and wouldn't calm down otherwise. Stopped quite late, abt 3 years old. But most pple say to stop by 18 mths. Can cause jaw deformities and crooked teeth.

No known health risk for now. Most of us would have used pacifiers before when we were young. It’s just to pacify and soothe crying babies.

VIP Member

I tried, my girl didn’t like it. If your LO doesn’t look for it, no need.

5y ago

Sucking does soothe babies. If she tends to suck her fingers, then I guess it’s a sign that she will like pacifiers. My lo comfort latches on me so I really, really wanted her to like pacifiers but she doesn’t. So #ripboibs for me.

Super Mum

Doesn't work for my baby. He spit out pacifier.

Super Mum

Very minimal health risk

VIP Member

To stop crying