8 Replies

VIP Member

I tried 2 different IFC. The first one was bad, in terms of hygiene and not all the teachers are caring to the babies and toddlers. I withdrew immediately. The second one was much better and I can see that my baby is looking forward to going to “school” everyday and she doesn’t cry when we sent her in every morning. Even though I can’t see what my baby is doing, I will check her everyday for potential injuries. There are photos of her and other babies at the end of the month too. I guess you just have to trust your instincts and not worry about the stories.

I sent my girl in when she was 6 months old too. She cried at first in the first week but babies adapt really fast.

VIP Member

My kid has been to 3 ifc- all were good (first was in cbd near my office, then I moved to Clementi near my home and then finally we moved to Jakarta for a couple of years so got to try indonesia ifc too. No negative experiences - baby was sent to ifc from 2 months

Super Mum

Hi mummy, I've put my LO in ifc since 6 months and now promoting to toddler soon so far no negative feedback. Trust your instinct, mummy!


Great experience! Teachers like my baby alot and take v good care of him. He's always with a smile when I pick him up.

I send my LO to ifc when he turned 12m. His vocabulary and motor skills improved tremendously.

VIP Member

I sent my girl to ifc since 4mths old. The teacher quite experience in taking care of bb.

Super Mum

Hi mummy, I sent my baby to ifc at 6 months and now she's promoting to toddler

Me too , am sending my boy to CC soon ... quite worried

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