Parents, kindly give me your opinion without any derogatory remarks. My girl is 4yr plus. She was born end of the year. We thought that she would be in K1 next year. After half of the year passed, someone mentioned that she is 5yo this year and should be in K1 this year, not next year. Singapore Children's Society dropped by my place when I am not around, regards my girl not being in preschool. We have more than 1 children below age of 6. I am their only caregiver. I intend to start working as we are getting our BTO keys early or mid next year. Currently living in North East area and husband is working near current home (15 mins bus ride away), new place is at North area (20mins - 1hr bus ride away from the current place). I suggested placing the children in Childcare so I can look for a job. Husband suggested sending our 4yo to pre-school only near current home or his workplace asap. If you were me, would you: 1. Place 4yo in pre-school near current home asap for now. 2. Place 4yo in pre-school near husband workplace asap for now. 3. Place all in childcare near current home asap. 4. Place all in childcare near husband workplace asap. 5. Place all in childcare near new place asap and look for a job near new place. Please also note we are facing financial difficulties and intend to approach FSC and SSO for assistance if need to place our children in CC. And that our current location most pre-school and CC are full. However, more CC and pre-school are coming up too. Appreciate all your input. Thank you!

3 Replies

Personally, I would choose option 5. I would start looking for childcare for all kids near the new place and speak with the principal to delay starting school as late as possible until you have moved to your new place. For me, it makes more sense that the cc is near home rather than near workplace as 1. we can change job, 2. if parent is sick, we still have to travel (far) to the workplace to drop the kids off at cc. 3. I prefer to have shorter traveling time for my kids in the morning. Also, based on your post, you sound worried that your 4yo must start school asap because of the visit by Children's Society? I wouldn't worry about that because based on the Singapore's Compulsory Education Act, it is required and mandated by law for the kids to go to school when they are above 6 years old (meaning to start primary school the year they turn 7.) So if your kids don't go to any preschool, you are not breaking any law. There are many parents in singapore who homeschool their kids in the pre-school years before they start primary school.

I think u need to do the maths and see if it is worth ur while to put both kids in cc and go and work as it is pretty expensive. As u are not working yet, there could be a short time when u are not qualified for the working mum subsidy - although there is still the other assistance. I would choose near new place and put both children - if put one then who to look after the other? Yes there is some traveling but that is only for now. Shouldn't put near husband work place unless can guarantee won't change job for a long time. I would find work near new place. Go w the most long standing arrangement All that said - go still need vacancy so u may Wan's try at either homes

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