31 Replies

It's not that straight forward but of course something which is really difficult to forget. I guess one who is in this kind of situation can only know, how forgivable or unforgivable it is.

While I concede that cheating never occurs in a vacuum, the circumstances surrounding the propensity for a betrayal doesn't change the fact that a person cheated.

I think that cheating is a conscious choice, and if someone is able to get away with it once, they would do it again.

Yape...cheating is an instinct present in all...Just differs in degree...if high one cheats, if not one doesn't :)

VIP Member

Completely agree with this. They do a mistake once, they are stupid. you let it happen twice, you are stupid.

Yeah, agree with that. My friend' husband cheated on her. She forgives him once but he did it again. Sigh..

A leopard doesn't change its spots. In the case of trust issues, it's difficult to gain it back.

Though I agree with this. I would say there can be cases where this cant be applied
