
Ok I'm very paranoid now . My baby is reaching 4 months old on 9 dec . And weighs 6.1kg . He just recently changed his milk powder from stage 1 mamil gold to similac total comfort stage 1 . Reason for changing because it stated it's good for baby who have enzymnia or to prevent enzymnia or smth like tt . Well his rash seems to be getting better but what concern me now is the amount . It stated for his age the feeding instruction is to give him drink 180ml . N my baby got this regurate problem. Plus now he got this habit rlor dunno isit he discomfort or what ,than he will drink halfway than start to wiggle n cry . Like he is piss with smth . I change his diaper etc but still he dunwan drink finish his milk . Got one time he drink 1/4 only than he start his nonsense again . For mamil gold its 150 ml but it seems to make his rash abit worst . I dunno . Is there any milk that u all can recommend like for 4 months old but in lesser amount each feed for every 4 hours . And suitable for baby who easy get rash . I'm very paranoid now cause he keep dunwan drink finish his milk n keep crying not happy with the milk ?

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Hi Feli! Please know that you’re not facing this alone. My son is 4 months old too and recently he will wriggle and start to fuss while hes drinking his milk halfway. What i will do is i will stop feeding him for a while and let him burp. It will usually take a while for him to burp but it will be worth it! He will burp loudly after patting / rubbing on his back. Once he has burp, i will then continue feeding him milk. I think its because of “wind”. I read somewhere that for babies on formula milk, it is recommended to burp them in the middle of their feeding. Try this ok. Help this helps!

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5y ago

Your baby is so cute lah! 😍His hand forever in his mouth.”Hehehe. Maybe try to observe his cues for now. Before he cry for milk what he will do, will he appear agitated etc?btw recently my son will only drink 100 ml on some days/ nights too. Will leave 20 ml. Sometimes its because of wind, never poo entire day, soiled diaper, too sleepy. Just monitor for now ok? If keep drinking 20 ml for days, do go to pd. I would too if it happens to my son.

Super Mum

He doesn’t have to drink 180ml. Please don’t follow that strictly. Some babies drink less per feed but have more feeds. As long as he is growing well, that’s good. Please don’t force your baby to finish so much milk and don’t stress yourself out:) If the new milk’s helping with the eczema, then you can try sticking with that. Do note that with new milk, your baby also needs to adjust to the new taste, so he may not drink so much initially. Gradually encourage more intake...

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5y ago

At first I tot its like tt mix le cause I did this to my first child . But this time the pd told me dun need to mix like tt . Just slowly change the milk like first feed similac second feed mamil than second day 2 similac than mamil . At first he seems to like similac hecwill finish all very fast . But recently dunno wad happen . I got no idea wads going on

My lo drinks 100ml-125 every 2 hours since 3 months till now, she is 7 months now. And she is less than 7kg. As Long as she is healthy, am good with whatever her choice is. And she is taking bm & fm- kendamil at night as she can’t wait for the warming up process. Kendamil stage 1 is good to boost if you want to try. But not sure about rash which u might want to check with PD on that.

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5y ago

My son is going to the dermatologist in 2 weeks time to check wad he allergic . If he allergic to cow I got to switch to soy milk le

If change formula then makes him stop and cry. Might be he not used to this new formula or he doesnt like this formula. My newborn is on enfamil, but he would do the same thing as your LO. But when gave him breastmilk or Nan.. he wont have this problem. Mayb you can see if there is any alternative to his milk powder.

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Hi mummy me and my mummy friends faces same issue no matter we change teats or not. We realize is after the 2nd dosage of 6 in 1 jab. Our baby will never finish their milk or reject milk drinking only half etc. It maybe a stage of growing up. Don't worried so much just make sure your baby is healthy growing will do.

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5y ago

Everything goes back normal after last dose of 6 in 1 jab.

My boy used to have the same prob. Only when we change to dupro (or issit dulac) only then finally it all stop. (We went thru lactogen, nan HA,similac TC) I will always panic whenever he drinks so little. He's on formula only..

Super Mum

It's ok not to follow the ml given. As long your baby drink & gaining his weight. Yes, burp will helps. Try to burp them often. Paused for awhile, burp, change diaper then continue to let them drink. This is what I do 💪

5y ago

Wa talking about that regurate thingy he got this problem last time . Until go hospital and realise its I over feed. Now rarely he regurate cause I change his milk to the similac total comfort . But now I'm trying to play jigsaw puzzle trying to find out why he cant even drink 120ml when last time he can drink 150ml to 180ml without any problem . So weird

My lo refuse to drink finish either he wants to sleep or he is full. Sometimes I paranoid too. But I let my child be I don't force even I'm worried. My child this month also 4months

5y ago

My pd told me different thing . Dun feed on demand cause they always hungry . And cause of tt my son enter hospital tt time for over feeding . So try feed within the timing . If 4 hour if cry for milk 30 min before it's still ok .

Don't worry about the ml stated. My 6+mo is drinking 165ml maximum only. I think your lo not drinking is bcos he doesn't like/used to the taste of the brand change

5y ago

But he weird le starting few days he can finish all 180ml n can drink so fast but now he cant drink finish . The worst part today is got 1 feed he drank 20ml only .

Super Mum

Dont have to follow the amount stated on the tin for feeding. Just feed whatever amount your baby can take. My 4mo takes only 90-110ml

5y ago

If they take that little do they get enough nutrition? As in the amount they shud be taking in per day .