16 Replies

Pls keep it. There are many couples who want badly and still cannot get one. Financial wise, can never be ready or comfortable. Just have to adjust own expectations. Take care.

List out reasons how you can support this baby yourself and be firm about it!!! Come what may, you’ll be able to draw strength when you see your baby smile. Don’t give up!

I list out alr , but no use. Hub say it’s not easy . As this is my 3rd pregnancy .

Please don't abort the baby. What's the reason he doesn't want to keep the baby? Do you have any other child?

Yap, I have 2 kids now . And this is my 3rd pregnancy


please don’t abort if you don’t want to. talk to your husband and let him understand your stand.

Told him how I actually feel , but he insist of having an abortion as this is my 3rd pregnancy & we have finical problem.

Feel sorry for you and your unborn baby

Is this your second child?

Oh dear. What if you ask him why you should go through the pain and trauma of abortion and he doesn't need to go through anything. Shouldve discussed to prevent any pregnancies if he doesnt want anymore. It is fair that he is happily doing it and then do not wanna be responsible for the baby.

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